Saturday, December 12, 2015

25 Truths For The Girl Who Is Struggling

To the girl who is struggling,

Let me first say that I am so glad you clicked on this article. YOU have been on my heart and mind for weeks. I don't know you or why you decided to read this, but Jesus does. And let me just tell you that leaves me 100% content and confident in the fact that He will speak to you through the words He leads my fingers to type. 

I know your heart. I know the feeling of struggle deeply rooted there. I know the heavy burden of striving for perfection and quickly finding yourself in a bundle of flaws. I know the expectations you hold over your own head and the feeling of failure that quickly follows. I know the insecurity, fear, and confusion that life brings. I know the long days of studying and still trying to maintain a piece of who you are. I know the feeling of looking in the mirror when you wake up and feeling like a mess. I know the task of juggling one-hundred-million responsibilities throughout the day and still expecting yourself to excel in all of them. I know the disappointment and shame that eats at your heart when you let God down. I know that the busy lifestyle you live is one of satan's greatest weapons. I know the punched-in-the-stomach-and-can't-breath kinda feeling that comes after hearing bad news. I know the terrible practice you had and the pressure of performance weighing you down.

I've seen the late night job you have to pay for college. I've seen the mask you wear to cover up who you really are. I've seen the passion you hide behind so others don't see your real insecurities. I've seen the days where you beat yourself up for eating an extra double chunk chocolate chip cookie. I've seen the look of defeat that you wear indefinitely. I've seen the heaviest of burdens on your heart for loved ones headed straight for hell. I've seen the scars on your heart from abuse and neglect. I've seen the way the enemy literally strangles every little piece of life left in you. I've seen the toilet you gag over in an effort to be skinnier. I've seen the layers of makeup you wear to somehow measure up to this world's impossible standards. I've seen the pillow you cry on every night from the relationship that broke your heart. I've seen the alcohol and drugs you use to numb your pain. 

You get the point. Life is a struggle. It hurts. And then it hurts again. Just as you find the strength to stand back up, you take another punch in the stomach and fall flat on your face... again
There are some struggles that I know, and others that I will never know. There are the struggles that I have seen in dear friends and others that I will never see. 

Above all else, I do know that I feel your pain tonight. I feel the heavy burden that's weighing you down as your sister in Christ. I'm praying that you find the greatest dose of Jesus and freedom tonight with these truths. . . 

1) YOU ARE KNOWN. By a Father. THE Father. Nothing is hidden from Him. He knows every single piece of you. The number of hairs on your head, the exact amount of times you've blinked today, and the very outline of your feet that you don't like. (Let's be real though-- who likes feet?)
2) YOU ARE CELEBRATED. Yes, you. . . Jesus prides Himself in YOU. Not only that, but the Father looks at YOU and sees JESUS. Your sin and shame are no longer what He sees. The blood of Christ covers you.
3) YOU HAVE A NEW IDENTITY. The mistakes you've made? The deepest and darkest secrets festering inside of you? The sin that constantly taps you on the back?
It. Is. Finished.
It is nailed to the cross. You are a new creation found in Christ Jesus. Pride yourself in that.
4) YOUR BAD DAYS REALLY AREN'T BAD. You spilled your coffee this morning. You pulled an all nighter studying for the big test. You said more than you should have to your friend. You woke up with a bad hair day. You can't do anything right.
What you see as bad, God deems as beautiful. Embrace your bad days. The more incomplete and flawed we are, the more room for Jesus we can make. Jesus is still working in your bad days, sweet friend.
5) YOU ARE WORTHY OF LOVE. Jesus died in YOUR place. What greater love is this? Precious daughter, the Son of God adores you. He is enthralled by you. Literally smiles at your name. He sees a masterpiece. Don't let the enemy distort your views of the Father's love for you.
6) YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL. Please don't skip over this one. Those three words hold so much meaning. This beauty surpasses the number on the scale, the amount of tone you have, the percentage at the top of your biology test, the number of guys that think you're attractive, or that 200th like on your Instagram post. This is a beauty that reflects the heart of Jesus. It is a beauty that claims the beauty of Christ is her life and lives from it. This beauty surfaces from the heart.
Gifted. Talented. Equipped. Ready.
Gifted and equipped with gifts and talents that no one else on this earth has. Outgoing or shy. Bubbly or an observer. A leader or more of a follower. The jokester or the girl who laughs at everything.
Don't let the enemy convince you that you need other gifts to make your mark. Embrace the creation that you are and impact lives today. Jesus in you makes you more than capable!
8) YOU ARE PRECIOUS. Worth more than all the diamonds in the world put together. Your self-worth is hidden in Jesus. Anything outside of that is insignificant. If you are a daughter of the King, you're completed. Sealed. Perfected. Finished.
Never too much, but always enough. 
10) YOU ARE POWERFUL. Holy Spirit lives in you. You are His dwelling place. He is the source of your power. On the long days, don't forget to plug back into the power source.
11) YOU ARE SET FREE. {Oh my, I loooooove this truth}
From perfection... This is so liberating, girls! We don't have to have it together. Our makeup doesn't have to be on point. We don't have to make every soccer goal or basketball shot. Our pant size doesn't have to be a -00. We don't have to mark every thing off our agenda every day. We don't have to strive.
S T R I V I NG  I S  O V E R -- Please please please get this! You are set free!
12) YOU ARE FINISHED. This is the epitome of humility. Your pride, your ego, your striving, your standards, your sin, your selfishness are all finished . . . When you surrendered your life to Jesus, you died with Him on the cross.
A l l  o f  y o u . . .
Instead, you now are producing the fruit of the Spirit in your life-- love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, self-control.
And nothing else. Nothing.
In all things and by the Creator of all things. Claim your victory!
God understands your struggles and accepts you just as you are. Talk to Him. Tell Him about your terrible day, the roommate that gets on your nerves, or the biology professor that makes you want to pull your hair out.
You name it, He wants to hear it.
On the days you feel like your prayers hit the ceiling, be reminded that He hears every prayer. He sees every tears. And He loves you enough to push you to continue to seek Him in the silence.
Don't. Give. Up.
Maybe not by the people in your life all the time, but by God. Kinda a weird thought.. But really. God looks at your existence and appreciates it. Sure, He's the Maker... He still is overwhelmed by YOU! 
Take time to appreciate yourself you hard working lady.
To make it through the struggle. Whatever it is. Only Jesus does. But you have it through Him! Through the guy that's all-knowing of your past, present, and future. You rely on His strength. 
Through the pain. In the storm. Even in the middle of the sunshine. Jesus is refining you to look more like Him. Sometimes this process hurts and can only be completed in the challenge. This struggle that has been weighing you down  h a s  n o  p o w e r  over your life! Speak that truth over your situation. 
To do every single thing Jesus has called you to do. Holy Spirit is your friend. He isn't your weird cousin that shows up on Thanksgiving. Tune into Him! 
Girls, demand respect!  Not in a haughty or rude way. But out of humbleness and a heart that seeks a worth only found in Jesus. 
That guy you're seeing... How does he treat you? 
You deserve to be respected like a precious daughter of the King. 
You are clothed in grace and righteousness. You wear the finest jewelry. Christ has replaced your old rags with the most beautiful of all gowns. I hope you understand how worthy you are. 
AND IT IS PERFECTLY OKAY. It's okay to mess up. He is there to catch you when you fall. 
You don't have to have a guy or be in a relationship. Your worth and happiness is SOLELY dependent upon Christ. And He is more than enough to satisfy. Your relationship is just another way to glorify Him. It isn't the source of your worth and happiness. 
I pray this last one really resonates with your soul. 
Keep fighting and climbing. Take another step of faith. Don't let that little bit of failure scare you away. From whatever "it" is. . . 
Nothing good comes without a struggle. 

My sister, I'm praying for you. Ask Jesus to speak these truths into your heart today. Ask Him to change the perspective you have of yourself, your situation, or your struggle.
Walk in the freedom you are called to.

You are immeasurably more than you could ever think or imagine.

I love you.
But most importantly, the Father Himself does.

<3 Your fellow sister in Christ 

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Beautiful Burdens

     Forgive me for my lack of words, or simply for the rough edges of not having blogged in quite some time. Can I just start by saying it is super duper cool how God works? Sometimes you just know when you need to do something... For me, I knew it was time to sit down by the computer and pray for Holy Spirit to use my words.

So, here we go...

It began the day I met Paul-- a man stripped of his worth, identity, and peace. As I walked into the store to pay for my gas after a long day at soccer and work, my eyes met a man begging the cashier for two dollars, tears streaming down his heavy eyes and hollowed cheeks. The lady proceeded to sternly say no, shaking her head in confidence. I told myself to mind my own business and slowly walked out of the double glass doors taped with signs looking for lost dogs and promoting the newest cigarettes.

As I was pumping my gas, I glanced over at the worn down picnic table outside of the gas station and saw a man, face shielded by his shaky hands and drenched in uncontrollable sobs. If you have a relationship with Jesus, you will understand me when I say you know when He is telling you to act. There is something special in the fact of knowing that you are nothing. Of knowing that no matter what happens in this life, there are far better things to come in eternity.

It was in the moment as I approached Paul, this reality hit me square in the face...

I am nothing. But my Jesus is everything. And because of that, I have the power to make a difference. 

"Sir, is there anything I can do to help you?"

Cries, sobs, and more cries. 

"Is it okay if I sit down with you for a little while?" 

Paul shyly looked up and nodded his head yes. 

Praise God for that head nod. After two hours of talking to a stranger that became a friend, I saw Jesus at that gas station. I saw what it meant to be loved unconditionally. Paul is an alcoholic, scarred from his past and chained down in shame. A homeless man subsisting off of a bottle and hoping to find some peace along the way.

I felt Jesus sitting there next to me on the splintered picnic table. I saw the torment and heartache seeping from my new friend. My heart hurt... then I felt peace.
Since that day a few months ago, I still have yet to see Paul again. I find a peace in knowing that nothing done in Jesus' name will ever return vain. There is beauty in knowing you can trust a sovereign God who will finish the work He started in you and I... and in Paul.

Jesus met me at the gas station that day and I am forever grateful. This burden holds infinite beauty because it is hand crafted by the Maker, chiseled in its unique form by the Potter. I stand in confidence knowing that my friend will meet the Savior. I invite you to pray with me-- for healing in this man's life, for strongholds to be broken, and for a love encounter with Jesus to take place. What a beautiful harvest to be seen!

What is your burden today? What is it that is dragging you down? Discouraging you?
I challenge you to REST.
Jesus has overcome and He makes ALL things beautiful. Whatever your burden is, look for the disguised beauty hidden within.
 It's there.
 Jesus has already made it beautiful. 

Monday, December 30, 2013

Weak Made Strong

To be perfectly honest with you, writing this blog leaves me feeling a bit uneasy. You see, being completely transparent with your life isn't always the easiest or most comforting thing to do. Satan proceeds in whispering lies from hell in your ear, convincing you that others will judge you, or maybe even that you're not good enough.

The bottom line is GOD LOVES TO USE WEAK PEOPLE. 

Yeah, that's right. W E A K. Without strength. Broken. Lacking in ability. Easily damaged. Powerless. Your first thoughts may not leave you convinced. That's okay, mine didn't either. :) In this world we are so easily swayed that Christ won't settle for anything less than "perfect" people. Not only that, we believe that He won't even consider using us until we are spiritually cleaned up, or worthy of His love.

H E  K N O W S  N O  L I M I T S-- to His grace, His love, and His willingness to use you.

You see, it's in my weakness that I'm made strong-- that YOUR made strong. It's in our deepest and darkest times that Christ can use us for His gain. Rick Warren says it best....
"Ministry begins with vulnerability. The more you let down your guard, take off your mask, and share your struggles, the more God will be able to use you in serving others. Vulnerability is emotionally liberating. Opening up defuses your fears and is the first step to freedom."

So with that said, here's in honor of dancing in His freedom, boasting in my weaknesses, and learning to be fearlessly obedient in my vulnerability. 

L O V E... What first pops in your mind? Maybe you think of your significant other, the sport you play, or a classic movie like The Notebook. Although my list contains many different things, I always think about my future spouse. What my husband will be like, if I already know him, if he ever thinks about me as much as I do him... Let me be real, I let him consume my thoughts daily. I sit and crave a relationship-- one that will fill me up, satisfy me, maybe even complete me. 

Man oh man, how foolish I am. The reality is, Christ's love is ENOUGH. Correction: it's MORE THAN ENOUGH. Nothing satisfies a season of loneliness, one of which I am in now, but Jesus. None but Jesus. These seasons tend to strangle us from His love and steal our joy. 

The beauty lies in the fact that this is His season, this loneliness I feel. It's not by mere coincidence nor a consequence of some sort. It's custom carved, purposefully put in my life, all so I can be led back to the Father. And for the understanding of this... Christ is my portion, my prize, my reward. He alone fills me up, satisfies me, and makes me whole in His love. He made me to crave being known and yet He allows me to feel the void of not being known.

But thats okay because He knows meHe formed this hole, and only He will fill it. 

And because of that, I thank Him for this season of loneliness. I have been sweetly reminded that I am His, and He is mine. I am reminded that saving my heart, my first kiss, and my first love is worth the wait, because one day my spouse will honor Yahweh before me. Rather than dreaming about my Prince Charming, focusing on who I am in Christ signifies that I am loved, cherished, and known. I am content because of Him, and through Him my love rests on the cross. 

So for all of you hopeless romantics out there (I'm speaking to myself :) ), rest in the fact that you are known, loved, and cherished by the One who desires for you to pursue Him as passionately as He has pursued you all along. It is then you are found whole in a love that never runs out and never fails. Loving Jesus above ALL things is where I am found, humbled, and beyond thankful. Praise God for the seasons that feel dry, deserted, and empty, for it is in Him I am made strong.  

Will you let Him fill you up? He's waiting.

"But you, O Lord, are a compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness."
-Psalms 86:15 

"Look to the Lord and His strength; seek His face always."
-1 Chronicles 16:11

"But those who hope in the Lord will find new strength. They will soar high on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint."
-Isaiah 40:31 

"Therefore, since we receive a kingdom which cannot be shaken, let us show gratitude, by which we may offer to God an acceptable service with reverence and awe; for our God is a consuming fire."
-Hebrews 12:28-29

Thursday, August 29, 2013


     Sitting in my room, making a poor attempt at trying to explain what God is showing me in my life, I am absolutely infatuated and in awe of the one whom my soul adores. The one who spun the earth into motion, who walked on water, who heals wounds, who brings absolute freedom in my life... That one, sweet Jesus. Oh, how often I find myself at a fork in the road, wondering which way to turn, who to trust, what decision to make. In the midst of my frustration, I simply cry out to Jehovah God, begging for reassurance, comfort, peace, something to help me... Although I often feel His sweet Spirit, that is not always the case.

     I can remember feeling lonely, desperate, and completely broken in some of the most trying circumstances of my life. However, it was in these periods of pain that I was met with a reassuring sweep of love by Christ himself-- a peaceful love that words simply cannot explain. The comfort that entered my life by simply asking God seemed surreal to me. My heart overflows with thankfulness at the thought of a holy God wanting to strengthen and bring peace to a wretched sinner like myself.

    I can also recall moments in my walk when I felt deserted, abandoned, and completely unloved by a God who gave up His entire life for my sake. Man, how painful and uncomfortable these seasons of life are. We cry out for Jesus to move, and seem to receive NOTHING in return. No peace, no comfort, no sense of His presence. Our immediate response often includes thoughts of anger, bitterness, and rejection towards God. I would like to justify these very thoughts, but that is when ignorance takes root.  

You see, it is in these very seasons of silence that we learn, grow, and blossom into the children of God we are called to be. My friend, whatever season you are in, take heart! There is a sovereign God who directs every detail in your life, "working all things for the good of those who love Him" (Romans 8:28). Christ Jesus calls us to a life of faith, trusting him with all of the plans He has for us... Regardless of how you "feel" in your relationship with Him. 

Please remember: He is with you in EVERY season, whether you may sense His presence or feel trapped in a chasm of silence. Lift your eyes, my brothers and sisters, for the King is absolutely enthralled with YOU. 
It is my prayer that in those periods of silence, you may experience the growth, molding, and forming of the person you are called to be. 

"So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand."
~Isaiah 41:10

"My soul, wait silently for God alone, for my expectation is from Him."
~Psalm 62:5

"Be still and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth!"
Psalm 46:10

Blessings <3  

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

That Heart of Yours.

     Hey, you. Whoever you may be reading this... girl or boy, Christian or not, single or taken. I want YOU to realize your worth and precious value by the Creator of this world. Nothing can compare or even touch the surface of the depth and width of His love for you. You were made from the beginning and no one on this earth is like you. YOU are unique and of great importance in the Master's eyes. So intricately made and formed that he knows the number of hairs on your head. He knows the color of your eyes, your burdens, your desires and dreams, your failures, your exact facial definition, your past and future, every crevice in your skin, the tone of your voice, your every thought... Okay, I think you get the point. :) God, in His total right to leave us in our sin, decides to personally know and care for us!

"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart..."
~Jeremiah 1:5

     Weighing in at 10 ounces, the blood-filled muscle called the heart has become the universal sign for love. I think we can all agree that we have a natural desire to love and be loved. Again, this is part of the way God wired us! Some of us express that desire through words, actions, writing, or singing. But what if we started focusing more on loving our Creator, the guy who loves us with ALL He is and ever will be. What if we fixed our affections onto Jesus, and expressed to Him how much we love him... 

     Nowadays, people throw around their heart like it is of no value. They look for acceptance, fulfillment, and the hope to be loved back by allowing anyone, at any time, to come and slowly take pieces of it away. They continually feel brokenness and heart ache time after time again. Why? Simply because they aren't waiting on the person God has personally made for them. Yes, YOU, God has created a special person for YOU. A person to share your laughs, troubles, and life with. Until you meet this person, God expects you to guard your heart! He hurts to see you carelessly throw it around to people just to end up devastated in the end. What peace does that bring? Maybe something temporary, but is it really worth it in the end? 

"Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life."
~Proverbs 4:23

       Often times people ask me why I don't date immediately after I get asked out, say yes to an opportunity for a relationship, or simply engage in what the world thinks of a typical teenage girl. In reply, I try to explain what God has shown me through being a Christian. He continually whispers in my ear... "My precious daughter, guard your heart. I didn't make it for anyone who wants it, but in reality, just for one special person. I know the temptations of this world convince you otherwise, but focus on my truths. Meditate on them. I LOVE YOU, and for now, I am the relationship you need to be focusing on." I know you're probably thinking that's pretty drastic, or maybe even pointless. Don't worry, you're not alone, because I once did too.  

       Why not just date to have fun? Why live in a "shell?" Why don't you just give it a try? You need to date to see what you like in a person... That isn't the popular thing to do... You're different... Why not just live your High School years out? JUST DO IT...
I'm continually confronted with questions and comments like these. Some times I'm not quite sure how to answer, but then that is when God steps in and says.. "Maddy, you do know. You understand the value of your heart. You understand how much I love you." It is then that I can shrug it off with a smile on my face and realize one of my purposes as a Christian: To follow Jesus' commands, live them out, and pray that others will do the same. 

       Although my view on relationships and the value of our hearts differ from most teenage girls, I am still normal. I still hangout with people, want a relationship, and do the typical things teenagers do. The only difference is that I am learning to rely on God's PERFECT timing instead of my own. A timing that I will never be able to fully grasp, but that I understand enough to put my total trust in. I praise God for taking his truths, penetrating them into my life, and in turn being able to share them with you. I pray that YOU realize just how special the Father made YOUR heart. Take care of it, for after all, it is the wellspring of life. 

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and HE will make your paths straight."
~Proverbs 3:5-6

Thursday, August 23, 2012


     We all have desires. We have those times where we feel like nothing is going our way and we just want to give up. We want to give into doubt and worry. We want everything to happen when we want it to, no matter what it takes for that to happen. God understands where we are coming from. He understands our desires. 

     I struggle with this day in and day out. I have my own desires-- desires for family members to change and see Christ, desires for God to use a broken picture and make it beautiful in my eyes, desires for a world that wants to simply serve Him. I pray for these things constantly and feel like God is ignoring me. Then I have to shut my doubts up and remember the promise He gives us.

Then you will take delight in the LORD, and He will answer your prayers.
~Psalm 37:4

     We have to be careful not to criticize and get angry with God when our desire isn't being met right then and there. Often times, we cast judgement on God and say heck with it just because nothing has happened yet. God could simply be whispering in our ear, "The time has yet to come, my child. But don't fear or get upset, because I've got you in the palm of my hand." God answers prayers in a lot of ways. It could be a "no", "not yet", or "yes" depending on HIS perfect timing and will. 

"For I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord. I have plans to prosper you, not to harm you. I have plans to give you a future filled with hope. When you call out to me and come to me in prayer, I will hear your prayers."
~Jeremiah 29:11-12

     You see, God knows exactly what He is doing. He knows every single detail about our lives and just wants us to give Him our total trust. Not just a little here and there, but in EVERY aspect of our lives. What more could He ask of us after the promises He gives us all throughout the Bible? He knows the plans for us- those plans that are meant to do us no harm even though they seem that way when taken at face value. The reality is God has our back. All He wants and desires from us is that faith and trust we all should have. 

Jesus said to him, "Have you believed because you have seen me? Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed."
~John 20:29

     The circumstances that surround us seem unconquerable and hopeless. Thankfully, we have a God that can conquer anything and everything within His timing. With that said, it's time for me to cast my worries and doubts at the feet of Jesus and leave it all up to HIM. Leave it to Him to handle my situations, burdens, and troubles. It's time for me to sit back and have the blind faith I need to have. After all, faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. I pray that God would give me just that---the faith I need to sit back and KNOW everything will be alright because I have a God that simply loves me enough to take care of my every need.

     Now it's your turn. It's the time for you to sit back and relax. The time for you to breathe and give your burdens to God. The time for you to build a testimony in yourself of being a person who has that blind faith. Join me. <3  

Wednesday, May 23, 2012


The old and worn roof over my head, tastful and satisfying food in my belly, loving family and friends to depend on, a compassionate church I can worship in freely, clothes on my back, an education and school I can learn in, a copy of the precious words of God, a warm bed with pillows and blankets surrounding me at night, a safe and supportive environment I can grow up in, TV's and computers, the sweet sound of laughter-- a few things I'm thankful for. Now picture this... No place to call home, a hurting stomach begging for food and something to drink, an abandoned heart longing to be loved, persecuted for even claiming to be a Christian, no clothing but maybe scraps of old cloth, education isn't even considered because finding a way to survive is the priority, the hope of having a Bible is overweighted by the chains of persecution, a cold and dirty ground for a bed, sounds of gun shots as another person dies, the only form of entertainment is the rocks and twigs beneath you, an aching heart cries out for help in sobs of pain. It's true, it's real. We are spoiled rotten and have no perspective on what life is really like for many people. We have it made while people die daily from starvation, untreated diseases, and suicide because they feel worthless and with no hope. We see the commercials, ads, and pictures all the time; when will we really get it? WE ARE BEYOND BLESSED! My heart breaks to know what life is like for so many people. I'm sick and tired of sitting around and playing games; I'm done telling myself they will be okay. So, that is why I'm freely allowing Christ to sear a hole through my selfishness and send me to help these people in His perfect will and timing. I pray that we all would realize just how blessed we are. The next time you start to complain or when you become unsatisfied, remember how much God has already given us. Thank you God for opening my eyes and heart to what this world is really like. I pray one day I will get to experience it and make a difference.